Sunday, October 21, 2012

DONE! At Hour 22

Last page, #24! Made it simple on purpose.

My 7000bc-at-last-success pose.

The face of victory for completing 6 years running.

This has been fun. Got my dose of art-crack for the year!

Hour 21.3333333....

One more page!!
Pages 22 and 23!

Hour Two-Oh

 Pages 20 and 21.

Hour 19

The cake is a lie.

Jeff: I am not sleeping, and when I try to call you back, my phone makes awful noises.

Hour 18

I have caved in.

I finally need caffeine.

Finished pages 18 and 19.

Annnnnd working on page 20! So much progress! I'm used to finishing an hour or two before deadline.

Hour 14.25

Break time!

Anywayyyss.... Unfinished pages 16 and 17.

Hour 13.5

And here are pages 14 and 15. I've totally been miscounting to my pleasant surprise!